Infraestrutura de TI

Tecnologia confiável é a espinha dorsal de empresas de sucesso

IT Helpdesk & Support

Helpdesk SupportIt is easy for organizations to become overwhelmed by the challenges of managing their IT network and assets. Organizations typically have a mix of old and new equipment and software in their inventory that changes constantly as a result of upgrades, repairs, and refurbishments.

IT support services for businesses are our specialty; We have the knowledge and advanced technology to manage real-world technology problems to make sure your systems are up and running with minimal downtime and impact on business operations.

Why outsource your IT support?

  • Reduce your operating, staffing and infrastructure costs
  • Improve response times
  • Increase your first-call resolution times
  • Allows you to scale more easily
  • Lets IT department focus on high-value projects

Arquitetura de rede

Network ArchitectureWhether we’re designing a network from the ground up or expanding an existing network, Ethos brings an unparalleled level of experience and knowledge to network design and network architecture. Initial intelligence gathering clarifies your organizational goals and technical requirements, and delivers important insights about the outcomes your business hopes to achieve from your network. Our rrchitecture team evaluates your existing network environment against standard architectures and best practices, carefully analyzing every aspect of your network to uncover opportunities for improved stability, reliability and performance. A comprehensive security assessment is performed to detect network device vulnerabilities and other threats that can jeopardize the integrity of critical data and applications. Ethos equips your organization with a detailed and actionable network architecture document that includes network design features or improvements, an implementation plan and a roadmap for future network expansion.

Ethos Network Architecture is a vital step on the road to a more effective and more secure IT environment – and the right choice for enterprises in which network failure and poor performance aren’t an option.

Network & Remote Systems Monitoring

Não há nada pior do que quando a rede está inativa. Muitas vezes, os departamentos de TI não têm a visibilidade necessária para se antecipar aos problemas de desempenho, o que significa que eles ficam no escuro até que um problema ocorra. Quando ocorre uma interrupção, o tempo começa a correr. E quanto mais tempo levar para resolver, mais custará para você: em tempo de equipe, perda de produtividade e satisfação do usuário final.

Roteadores e switches, servidores virtuais, dispositivos sem fio e aplicativos de todos os tipos precisam de uma solução de monitoramento de rede 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana. Manter o controle de toda a sua tecnologia de rede crítica significa que você pode identificar e corrigir problemas rapidamente, antes que eles piorem. Os sistemas críticos que precisam de atenção especial são redes, servidores e backups.